I was actually going to leave this site and probably come back later on in the year, but  I decided that I needed to persevere. So, I have decided to post more often. And by often, I mean almost everyday. I am someone who loves to talk about herself. I am a bit of a narcissist if you haven't noticed yet. I think I've probably said this multiple times. Anyways, I will be sharing with you my vision board. In other words, I will be presenting you with my great aspirations for this year. Vision boards are really meant to be created at the beginning of every year. Unfortunately, I don't follow trends. In fact, I make them. Therefore, I will be making my vision board N-O-W, NOW. And yes, this will be different from your regular vision boards in that it will be more of a vision blog than vision board. Let us commence.

1. New York (visit and possibly buy an apartment)

My biggest goal this year is to at least visit New York. If you're anything like me, you grew up watching too many films based in New York and have become absolutely enamored with this city. A collaboration with me and New York? ABSOLUTELY ICONIC.

2. Better Body Habits (Healthy Eating and Yoga)

I believe me, and almost literally the whole world, have been planning on developing a better body since forever. Unfortunately, exercising and practicing healthy eating isn't exactly easy. No, I don't plan to starve and DO NOT recommend it. You don't want your body to suffer, okay. I don't know about you, but I plan on living prettily for a very long time. SO, GOOD LUCK TO ME AND TO YOU. <3

3. Good Grades

Anyone who's working towards getting a degree or whatever knows the importance of passing classes and actually learning. Although college is a scam, I'll do my best to keep going. (Can you see me crying?)

4. Morocco

Morocco seems like a pretty nice place to travel. So, if I can go, that would be pretty cool.

5. $$$$$$$$$ (M-O-N-EY H-O-N-E-Y)

Who doesn't want to be rich and economically stable. ABSOLUTELY, NO ONE!  I mean this pretty girl needs a pretty big amount of cash. AND YES, it will happen THIS YEAR. I'm speaking it into existence. 

Still don't know how, but we'll see. 

6. Beauty

Find a new way to do make-up and be more creative. Maybe, I'll try getting a new hairstyle. Also, update my skincare routine and whatever else. 

7. Work Harder (in general)

 8. Be Nice (it's so hard) 

9. Actually Work Towards My Career

10. Cook More

Now, what are your plans this year? 
