
Well, I'm back and bitchier than ever. So, you're probably wondering what I've been doing since I haven't updated in who knows how long. I'll have you know that life has been pretty miserable as of late, but for some odd reason I feel completely fine. Maybe, it's my Taurus moon keeping me sane? Anyways, my life has completely done a 180...

which means that I have not completed anything on my vision board,as you can tell. 

How sad and pathetic, is that?

Anyways, enough self-deprecation. I still have DECEMBER. 

Oh, December.

My favorite month. The month where both I and Jesus was born. Oh, what icons we are. Ah, I can already smell Christmas. How beautiful.

Now, in November. I have gone through a rebirth. Most of the year, I spent failing and falling in a time where I needed to rise up the most. Although, there were a few things that I learned in the meantime such as accepting who I am and learning that I don't have to be a stone-cold bitch all the time and that it's alright to be an emotional crybaby. So, yes, I am still very hopeful, and no, my narcissism still hasn't gone away... fortunately. Despite all my troubles, It's hard for me to think of myself as anything, but beautiful which has inspired my new plan...

I'll explain more later.
